Caroline turned 1 year-old on Saturday. I can't believe it has been a whole year. Time flies so fast. Our little girl is growing up. It seems like yesterday, we were bringing her home on Mother's Day. Jeff can't wait to turn her around in her car seat and was eager to weigh her today, but she missed the weight mark by 1 pound. She'll be 20 lb. before we know it and see car rides in a whole new light. Surprisingly, she does like facing backwards because when I put her in the seat, she gets happy and lunges forward at the mirror. I can imagine we will have a few toys thrown our way in the front seat. She has a habit of throwing toys in the back seat and sometimes I can reach them to toss back at her before she gets upset. I have learned that if you can tether any toys, do it. Those little rings work great. Then she can't really throw them because they stay connected. This also works great for riding in the stroller.
The birthday girl woke up happy!!! A great start to a fun-filled day! She even had the Glow Worm on.
Claudia and Caroline riding their matching 4-wheelers in the backyard. What a beautiful day it turned out to be! The weather could not have been more perfect for Caroline's first birthday.
...and CRASH! Caroline is not too good at the whole steering thing yet. One day, I hope she will grasp this concept, but for now, we'll just have to settle for running into everything.
Caroline with Mommy & Daddy
Jeff with the party girls
First bite of HER cake! She dove right in face first.
This is some good stuff! We should do this more often.
Getting a little help from Aunt Stacey and Claudia