Sunday, February 28, 2010

Playing with Ginger

Ginger was the baby until Caroline came along. She has never shown a sign of jealousy, unless bringing us a toy when she thinks she's not getting enough attention counts. Ginger truly loves Caroline and Caroline loves her. Caroline is just fascinated with Ginger. She will pull up on furniture where Ginger lays and let out a scream and reach for her. So far, Caroline has only made Ginger squeal a few times from pulling her hair and ears. Ginger tolerates it very well and usually just looks at me like "when is Caroline going to take a nap?"

Ginger brings Caroline the toy so she can throw it for her. One day, she will. We are all looking forward to it.

Look how they play together. It's so funny to watch them tug toys together.

Ginger shares her toys so well and lets Caroline have her turn

Ginger waits for her to throw the toy

She looks like she wants to throw it, but just isn't sure what she wants to do with it

Does this ball taste like an orange? Sorry Caroline; it doesn't

Hey, if I throw it, will you go get it?

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